Why its important to make a Journal of your Training and Diet.

Hi all,

Lets talk why its important to make a journal..Specially if you are training and dieting.

I have been writing everything in my Journal since the day i started Training and dieting.And to this day, i still do.

Sure well have one of those times well get lazy or just plain lazy to put down anything in to a notebook. I felt that way too sometimes..Its a lot of work.

But i find myself sometimes lost.

Writing down what i have learned keeps me on track…And the good thing about writing things that i have learned is i can re-read them again and see where i have been,what improved and what needs improvements,along with all the new things i learn and all that fun stuff..Make notes of the new ones i have learned.Because i know one day i can put them to use,not just for me but to also help others.

Same as writing a diet journal, You can see how much crap you have eaten in a week, well if you are really honest with your self and still write down the crap you’ve eaten. hehe..I do, and when i see chocolates and cookies there, i know ill have to pay the price for it.

This will show you everything you need to know.Like why you haven’t seen improvements in ages,How to change your training and diet.

Ok, who likes to write down every stupid calorie intake everyday? I know i dont.. Well, i did write down my calorie intake before,for a kind of training im doing or i might use calorie counting to loose weight.I used to do it to only know how much calorie a food has,and when you see a food like that,you’ll hopefully remember how much calorie was in it ๐Ÿ™‚ and that you dont have to write everything down anymore and YES please do read labels too.

My point is, it might be a lot of work but you will thank yourself ย later that you did write things down,it will be your guide or reference for better results or a better lifestyle.

Hope you all like this post..More to come ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh yeah,I feel Fat..

Hey guys..

Its been a week already of bulking…AND I FEEL FAT..Lol…that quick right..its cause im eating at the wrong time…

Wrong time like my carb intake is wrong..hehe..I had a week of crappy eating ๐Ÿ™‚ย  because i was excited i can finally EAT! ughhhhh…wrong….

So, while i was eating cookies, i was researching on how to eat clean while bulking ๐Ÿ™‚ haha..

And i did learned a lotย  in my research.Learned what to expect,calorie intake,food to eat(which is pretty easy and obvious) Goal weight,how much weight to gain in that period of time.How to train.

The plan is to gain 10 lbs. and i know i cant get that GOOD muscle weight in just 2 months.So im thinking of 2 months Bulk and then Cut and then Bulk again..Now im going to figure out how long to cut and when to do bulk again..like a good cycle wise.Build Strength and build my Glutes..

(who doesn’t want glutes?)

So this week, I am watching what i eat..Clean bulk. And I have 7 weeks left..I do write down what i eat by the way..and i can say that my crab intake is at the wrong time intake.

But im already afraid,my stomach is soft and this little fat i see on my sides..Its driving me nutsss..my shorts are tight..hehe..BUT Spring is around the corner..ill be on time ย when summer hits! woo hoo!

After all these crazy things im doing,ill be posting things about Bulking and why Bulking..




Happy Saint Patricks Day everybody

Bulk time?

Hi all,

another update…So on the past posts i said im giving up some of my muscles..Well i did that and my muscles went away and so as my butt..LOL..

So now, pants are loose..ughhhh.

Now, I decided..I have to do this the right way…Get this booty on work.

Bulking..People i used to work with told me to do this before but wasnt really paying attention.hehe..Now im going to do this from scratch..well be learning the hard way..Weighted myself Mar 01 2013 91.8 lbs…My goal is to get 10 lbs higher to get muscles.Think of bulkign for 2months and see what happeneds..I know this will be hard as we know fat is around the corner of bulking.We gotta EAT! ..and I am EXCITED..FOOD…Lol..i love food..but this doesnt mean eat the crappy one..418823_221790877960174_1194004448_n Doesn’t this look good.Greek Yogurt and berries for my post workout..

Id like to hear Advice from all of you about bulking,i would really appreciate it.

Time to prepare food ๐Ÿ™‚

Till the next one..

Motivation of the day

#bellafalconi_fitness – One of the greatest things I’ve learned from the fitness lifestyle is: hard work does pay off! It’s not that you are going to put a lot of effort towards something in vain. You do get results, but…. You gotta be patient, consistent, and above all, eat super clean! Nothing worth having comes free. Like I always say, success won’t knock on your door and say: “oh hi! Here’s my gift for you, open the box and you’ll get your so wanted six pack!” That won’t happen, like for real…never! If you want something, work for it, put your heart and soul into it. Don’t take anything for granted. Be grateful for all good things you have accomplished so far instead of complaining your body isn’t changing. It is, but visible changes do take time. What will make you a winer is your patience to wait without quitting. Quitting is not an option; make yourself proud, be your own hero!

What she said is motivating not only in fitness but this also says so much more specially in Life.


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Quick Update

Hi all, after getting sick for a week..and this is the first time i been sick for that long…

I remember when i was a kid, i wished my fever would last longer so i wouldn’t have to go to school..haha..But now, i dont like it..felt like disabled.Couldn’t do anything..and i missed training..

So i tried the Live Fit Trainer Program made by Jamie Eason and its like im a beginner again..Entire body would ache..wake up sore Just like the first time..any way heres an update of me loosing some of my muscles..Im only 2 weeks out of the program and will fnally be back at it tomorrow..

548828_214158785390050_2044371868_nย and i really wish theres another way i can post pictures in here through my phone..would make my life really easy..

So ill be posting again in 2weeks time :0

Later Xoxo

Advice of the Day

“If you dont want your heart failling on you, Get off that couch, and make that Heart work,Do Something!”

Train Insane Or Remain the same

Hi all, Filmed another video with one of yesterdays workout..

DSCN4950ย and ive got this red dot from my first Hang snatch…Finally done it ๐Ÿ™‚

My entire body is in pain But good pain…Im takin my off today from my training back at it again Thursdays and Saturdays ๐Ÿ™‚

Had to re-schedule my training scheds and made another change on training routine that will work for my schedule as well..

As from yesterdays post I am traning using the Metabolic Resistance Training and im loving it.I hope you guys find my last pos helpful about the training.I also used to have a bodybuilding account,and it did help me soo much in learning new things. The site provide a lot of helpful information and people are really helfpul too if you need some help regarding training and diet etc.

tumblr_mg8dyjVXvH1r7wbzao1_500ย And im also kickin my own butt to drinkin MORE water everyday.We know that this has soooo many benefits for us and its FREE. When i train i do drink water a lot, i do not drink energy drinks like i used to. I want my body to detox the good and healthy way,and i dont think eneyrgy drinks will be good if you are trying to remove bad toxins in your body while you are training right? So yes to Energy Water!

Till the next Post

Training Update # ?

Hi Guys,

Its been a very busy week(s) And i have been slackin off my training ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Since im gonna be very busy i decided to research for a great training with a great benefits,that wont take my time or so i wont be slackin off.

Have anybody of you hear about Metabolic Resistance Training?

If you are interested, Read on…


I was going to post photo updates on where i am at now but not for now because ย i’ve soo much to do..But i will as soon.

Not slackin on my diet tho..i still do my best to keep eating healthy ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you all are too ๐Ÿ™‚

Till the next post


Flu,Allergy and Soup!

Hi All,

Hows everybody dealing with Flu? Almost all the people in the world are experiencing this. Get the Shots! And load up some vitamin C.

Some people dont really know they have a flu.

My Son is also dealing with this too.It sucks because he cant have his Flu shot yet because he has bee caughing and has cold too ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Well I did too..For a half day..Thank god i had the shot earlier and my immune system has been pretty strong and been saving me survive the crowd with a lot of people who has been sneezing and coughing.Thank God. But i been dealing with my allergy, something in this cold air makes me sneeze and my eyes itch.Its annoying, Does having a shot for allergy also would be good? Let me know in the comment box.

And today i filmed a video on how to make an easy egg soup.This is good for Breakfast without frying your eggs,snacks for kids with cold or flu. I do this everytime i wanted eggs..Im in love with Eggs.Hope you guys will try this and recreate this if you guys want.


Take care Guys…Be healthy

Another day grind..

Happy weekend ladies and gents!



Not skipping training even if its Saturday!

Happy Training…


Carpe Diem

May 2024

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